Colin White


I design algorithms that create advanced AI algorithms.

I am Head of Research at Abacus.AI. I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a Ph.D. in computer science, advised by Nina Balcan and supported by the NDSEG Fellowship. I received my undergraduate degree from Amherst College.

For more, see my CV (last updated Sep. 2024).

My work spans topics in large language models, debiasing and explaining neural networks, tabular data, and automated machine learning, from both a theoretical and empirical lens. Much of my work involves designing more efficient and performant optimization methods, designing tools for better evaluation of machine learning techniques, and designing innovative methods by drawing insights from large-scale studies.



  • Senior Area Chair for ICML 2024
    Senior Area Chair for NeurIPS Track on Datasets and Benchmarks 2023-2024
    Program Chair for AutoML 2023
    Local Chair and Area Chair for AutoML 2022
    Co-organizer for the 8th AutoML Workshop at ICML 2021
    Top 10% of reviewers at NeurIPS 2020, 2021, 2022
    Top 10% of reviewers at ICML 2021, 2022
    Top 10% of reviewers at ICLR 2022

